This piece is the first in a series focusing on being brave and courage… Because that’s were I’m at right now. Jumping in and putting my art out there for all to see is super scary, and I think “who am I?” who would want to purchase, look at, listen to anything that I have done or said. This life that I’m living is not a dress rehearsal…. I only have one chance to try, to be brave, to have courage, to be bold, to fall down and get back up and try again… Some days I feel that I have wasted sooo much time and yet I understand that each moment, hurt, delay or victory has brought me to this point… I just need to jump! My fear of failure is soo strong…..I knew this was the right time, AND I was still finding lots of excuses not to jump…. but i pulled up my big girl panties and went for it… with the love and help of a few people who have believed in me, encouraged me and held me accountable! …. Is my blog perfect, do I have all the pieces put together..NO… do I even really know what I’m doing .. NO… but it feeeeels soooo good!… I am proud of me..he he ……Whats your brave story…? I would love for you to leave me a post and lets be brave together… COURAGE is not the abscence of fear but the courage to walk through the fear and reach your goal (however small or big) …. …………………………………………………………………………………………………….be brave …. Courage to forgive..courage to be forgiven….courage to love…..courage to be loved… courage to be bold…. courage to succeed….courage to listen… courage to be healthy… courage to be gentle… courage to help… courage to parent… courage to say no… courage to say yes…. courage to eliminate toxic relationships… courage to work through difficult relationships… courage to stand up for yourself… courage to say that YOU.. that I AM enough….! …courage to…. WHATS YOUR STORY…. ? cant wait to hear…
Big smile….xo..Me