I was given a 30 day challenge… to blog everyday for the month of November. I accepted the task with excitement thinking that it would be good for me and my blog and business etc…but….. as November 1st quickly approached (and I mean quickly) I began to get really nervous about my new endeavor Sooo honestly…. what will I have to say? will it be good? who will listen? who really even cares about my 30 day challenge? do i have anything of interest to write about?..this is silly, do I really need to do this?…… I finally had to say shhhhhhh to my crazy inside voice. Quiet down insecurities! So to talk myself off the ledge i have come to the conclusion ……that these next 30 days are for me….. just me….. to grow, to be brave, vulnerable, and get real cozy with my inside thoughts. If anyone happens to stop by and read my rantings… so be it…(thats inside talk trying tell myself it’s gonna be ok!) I used to write every day and this week i got my dusty, dingy journals out and they were like long lost friends… each page took me back to where I was when I wrote them and the joy, fear, anger, realization, growth, ooooh sweet memories filled each page. I cried….because its been soo long since I have poured out my soul like that… years since I’ve tapped into the stirring, creative inside part of writing and just the amazing things that happens when you write… The other thing that came to me as I hugged those familiar pages… was, how genuine, raw, emotional and GOOD they were… they were beeeaaauuutiful! I am looking forward to pushing myself to write again… and yes the fear is still there but that good kinda fear … you know the fear where you have circles turning in your stomach … like right before you go on a roller coaster ride…… or first kiss fear… sooooo good! I’m excited so see how I will grow…how I will change and how I will get back to that part of me that wrote sooo long ago!
Big Smile……Shawn