I’m exhausted.. trying to get ready for my upcoming show… workin all day, then painting all night… pooooped! I do this to myself.. time management!… redoing the kitchen, working, family coming in for thanksgiving… trying to lose weight… new business… new art…business cards… website…. blog… 30 day challenge, redecorating the bedroom… and to top it off, I think I’m getting the flu…..aaaaah!….all of this is good stuff.. fun stuff… put together… a little bit overwhelming…. I told my better half today that I feel a little whiny… but as I’m writing this.. I feel guilty…I should be sooo thankful for all of this… that I have the means to do all of the above…that I have family and friends who I will share thanksgiving with … that I have a great house to redo.. that I have a JOB!… that I have the freedom and ability to start a new business…ESPECIALLY when alot of the United States have been dealt an incredible blow with the weather…. I know all of this in the back of my mind and yet I still feel poopy…( yup that a word.. my spell check didn’t give me the heads up that is not). I’m nervous about tomorrow… what if no one like my stuff?… I hate that gnawing feeling in the pit of my stomach… every piece is such a part of who I am.. It’s like people say they don’t like me when they don’t like my art… ( I know more whining…)…In my big girl mind… I know that everything will be fine.,,the house, the guests, the bedroom, the business, EVERYTHING will work out just as it’s supposed to…(my favorite saying is everything happens for a reason.. no regrets)…. but today… and just today!… I’m being a bit of a little girl… worried, scared, tired and insecure…
Not so big smile…. Shawn