Every stitch tells a story of who I am becoming…. We all have our story, the joy.. the pain, the growth and change, or maybe it was brokeness or happiness… whatever your path…. we all have experienced the journey…. I have a different map than you…. and we took different roads… but we are all traveling to be the best people we can be, mended and strong… I am a firm believer that no one does it alone and as we grow, heal, change and expand our wings, there are those that have walked with us, encouraged us and partnered with us to carry the load and vice versa. I am truly thankful for my cheering squad…!!!! I pray for them everyday and could not imagine traveling without them! It is so important to have supportive people surround us and encourage our dreams… and not entertain those that are toxic and exhausting….! Healthy connectedness makes us stronger.. challenges us and empowers us!!! Great friendships can lead us to wholeness and healing….I love my girls! … and life would not be the same without them!