Hi Dear Friends,
I have been super busy, and feeling a little blah… I will get to that in a bit but I want to share some pics from Hawaii and the new pieces that I’ve done in the last couple of days. I also want to share what’s coming up with other artists!
Hawaii was relaxing and great to just slow down and get some inspiration.
We also visited Pearl Harbor and can’t tell how I felt being there, very sobering and how grateful I am to have those who fight for our freedom
This last picture of Hawaii is where my hubby and I would spend our evenings, after the days activities and dinner we would grab our mats and head to the beach and watch the sunset and then watch the stars, watch people and talk… I think this was one of my favorite things of the whole trip!
I did get back in the studio this week and here are the new pieces, originals and prints available. Go to my etsy shop to purchase.
This Tues the 4th I will be sharing on Jessica Swifts blog about “Enthusiasm” This is to promote her new book “A Declaration of You” So check it out, I will send out an email to remind you.
Last but not least…. this last week since being home I have had a few people in my world make comments about me quitting my job to take the leap to full time artist, that was hurtful. Now I’m strong and pretty sure of myself, but to be honest I’m scared and practice being brave everyday to follow my dreams and passions. I know for me when I’m feeling super vulnerable a small comment can really send to into a fearful place, normally when strong and confident I can blow off a negative comment, but unfortunately I let those comments get to me…grrr. So I have had to work hard to go back to my truth, and to realize that just as I have read in Brene Brown’s book “Daring Greatly”, these people that said hurtful things, aren’t in the area, fighting it out, their sitting on the sidelines heckling not having the courage to be supportive or jump in the arena to help me fight. I do have those friends (and husband) who have been proven worthy of being in the inner circle and I can trust with the vulnerable me, so I shared how I was feeling and just felt amazing love and encouragement! They can’t do the work for me but they can say, “I will walk with you on this Journey”. I pray for each of you, that this week if you are facing a challenge that 1. You will remember your truth. 2. You have or find people who are worthy of being in your inner circle that you can trust with the down and dirty of your life. 3. That you can be vulnerable because change WILL NOT HAPPEN if you can’t be vulnerable with someone and yourself. IT’S OK TO NOT BE PERFECT! and last but not least 4. You will allow those in your life to encourage you to keep going and never ever give up.
Big Hug = Shawn Petite