Hi Lovelies,………….Today I am sharing about enthusiasm, I agreed to write a blog post about enthusiasm to help promote Jessica Swifts new book “The Declaration of You”. “The Declaration of You will be published by North Light Craft Books this summer, with readers getting all the permission they’ve craved to step passionately into their lives, discover how they and their gifts are unique and uncover what they are meant to do! This post is part of The Declaration of You’s Blog Lovin’ Tour, which I’m thrilled to participate in alongside over 100 other creative bloggers. Learn more – and join us! – by clicking here.”
These are the contributers in the book! Pretty impressive line up!
One of the topic questions was, Where does your enthusiasm come from?… I like to call enthusiasm, passion, because that’s what it means to me. When I looked up enthusiasm in the dictionary, one of the many synonyms for it was passion. I don’t think of myself as the cheerleader type, with all the hype and hoopla, and I kept getting that picture in my head every time I said the word, so I had a hard time identifying with the word enthusiasm. When I agreed to write about it, I had to dig deep to get to what the true meaning was FOR ME, and for me, it’s passion. My enthusiasm or passion comes from being creative, from great friendships, from making goals, taking small steps to accomplish those goals, from writing down my dreams (the big dreams that seem impossible and checking back on those lists of dreams years later only to find out that there coming true), from spending time with my children, from getting notes from you all about how what I’ve written has inspired you, and I always find enthusiasm from my encouraging husband. I know for me that enthusiasm perpetuates itself when I continue to do the things that get me excited. Enthusiasm is not a spur of the moment emotion, but it’s a deep down in my gut kinda thing that propels me to continue loving, creating, encouraging and dreaming! Passion/Enthusiasm is that thought in the middle of the night about a new idea, or who I should encourage, or what topic I should write about. It’s a driving force that help me keep going when things don’t seem to be working out quite like I thought they should. Passion gives me that little extra energy to finish a project or make a difficult phone call. Passion/Enthusiasm is powerful! It’s contagious! and when people see that inside you they want it and want to be around you and they want to hear what you have to say. It’s hard to find people with passion/enthusiasm most people have become indifferent which is the opposite of enthused. It’s a tough way to live, (I know I have done it) but you can change, I’m proof of that. What is it in your life that you are enthusiastic or passionate about? Make a list, because it’s a great reminder of the good things in our lives. Maybe you’re feeling uninspired or stuck and not the least bit enthusiastic. If so, MAKE A CHANGE!!! … do your hair different, wear different finger nail polish, write a thank you note to a friend or a love note to your kids or your partner, create something , put a single stroke of paint on a blank canvas, sing as loud as you can, do one thing on your goal list, make a goal list, write down your dreams, Just do something, because it will help you make one more step to a passionate life and saying were stuck and not doing anything to change only leads to more stuckness!!! ( Yes, today that’s a word.) I pray for you to have an incredibly passionate, enthusiastic life!
When I was in Hawaii I doodled a little thing when sitting on the balcony thinking about enthusiasm and passion, brought it home a took it apart and created this little goodie. Have a great day! Big Smile=Shawn Petite …ps… there are ALOT of talented people posting on this topic Here... so check it out 🙂