So.. I think you know that my son visited me for my birthday… He lives in Seattle and surprised me! I was supposed to meet my youngest son for breakfast.. I went to pick him up… I called as I pulled into the parking lot, to let him know that I was there…. he said he had just rolled out of bed… so come up to his apt… so I did… knocked on the door…. and my oldest son opened the door!!! I was dazed and confused and of course the boys got it all on video…. I got to spend some quality time with two of my boys this past week… It does a mamas heart good!!
We always have fun talking about stories about them growing up…. and my sometimes not so stellar moments as a parent, (and yes they are plural). One such story is the story of me making my oldest son run cross country track… (in Arizona). Before he went to school he had to be at the track at 5:30-6 every day and run… yeah that’s it, just run… and he hated it…. when I look at it now… of course, why wouldn’t he. He didn’t want to run and the only reason he was, was to be obedient….. 🙁
I would tell him just about once a week that this was building character and that sometime we have to do things in life that we don’t want to do… but that there are lesson to be learned and character to be built.
This last week, all I could hear in my head was that line…. “This is building character”. …..You see, I’m smack dab in the middle of my own character building experience…. I’m doing something that I’m not quite sure of, that is challenging me physically, mentally and emotionally, and all I keep telling myself is that this is a character building event… just keep going… it’s gonna get better. The reward will come.
Unlike my oldest son who most likely felt that he didn’t have any choices in his cross country career (bad parent… and it was only one season that I made him run”) We as adults DO have choices about where we want to be, what we want to be involved in, and how long we will stay in a “character building situation”
I am choosing to stay in my “character building thing” right now, believing that it’s gonna get better, but I know at any time I can change my plan, write a new plan or completely change gears….. freedom..
Are you in a place that you might consider “character building”.?.. are you doing something that you not sure of, are you running at 6:00 am to be obedient, instead of doing your hearts desire..?..
Sometime we need those unsure and hard times… to grow, to learn….to show us what we’re capable of… but….
What I want you to know, is that you have permission at any point, any stage, any age to change your course. To stop running and to pursue your dreams, your hearts desires…You know, just like I do, when it’s ok and when its time to stop.
I will share more of my ongoing “character building” in the next few weeks…. but in the mean time… I would REALLY, really, love to hear what you’re, struggling with, working through, what is building your character….. so that I can walk with you, share in your journey and we can encourage each other!
Hugs and a Tired Smile=Shawn
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