I am so excited and a little scared to put this out (my heart) into the world. The Mended art workshop video series is a dream, a desire, that has been inside me for sooo long. Probably about 13 yrs.
I have made excuses and said that I am not capable of putting this dream out there. but the desire has grown so strong that I just couldn’t keep it quiet, and I finally put my big girl panties on and this soulful journey is becoming a reality.
Mended may change the world or it may only change one life (mine). I just know that I have to follow the calling of my soul.
The Mended Series is 4 video workshops where I will share my tips and techniques but I will also share my soul. I will share my story, my journey of healing and how art is a key element in wholeness.
We will use art as the starting place to discover what our hearts desire is.
I will show you how to overcome your fear of getting started on the canvas and how that applies to life.
I will walk with you through the emotions of hurt and discouragement and show you how putting a brush to canvas can unlock the stuck places and help us move toward our hearts desires.
We will talk through and paint our self portrait.
The Mended video series is a self paced, watch and re watch, pause till the kids are quiet type of workshop. So that you can really take the time to learn and grow. There is so much goodness in these workshops!
I can’t wait to share it with you
Mended will be coming to you January 2014. I will answer more questions (like cost and time) and go into more details of each workshop in the coming weeks.
I would just ask that you say some prayers or put out good vibes. So that those that are feeling a need to get a push in the right direction, or those that have the courage to explore, need to be mended and reach to new places with in, would find Mended at just the right time.
Maybe the Mended video Workshops are what your’e looking for.
I seriously can’t wait for the Journey to begin.
I would love to hear from you, .. to hear what you think or your story.
Love you from the bottom of my scared yet courageous and vulnerable heart.
Shawn Petite
Shawn!!! I’m seriously obsessed with all your stuff!!! I’m pretty much your stalker!! Always looking for new stuff on your site!!! 🙂 you’re amazing!!!!
Christy! Thank you! Big Hug!