It has been too long since I have been here. Here in this safe and beautiful place sharing life with you. But with the Holiday and shows, working extra jobs, packaging orders, parties, the list just kept going. I have been so busy that I wasn’t sure what day it was most days. So I’m sorry If I have neglected to love on you.
I didn’t like the busyness, I feel like Christmas was a blur. I am determined to not let the next holiday be this crazy busy. I made a promise to myself that it would be different next year.
Today was the first day that I didn’t “have” to be somewhere or go to work. All orders were shipped. I have a list a mile long of things that need to be done, but I decided I needed a day off, so I read, wrote, created… never getting out of my pj’s. (deep breath
) it has felt good.
I know we all are busy but I hope that you take a break. Let yourself be ok with letting go of a few things. It’s ok that we can’t do everything. If you rest, you will be that much better, for yourself, family or your creativity.
I hope your Christmas was all that you wanted. That you were surrounded by people who love you.