close-up of a mixed media art piece
I’m letting go and going back to the beginning for 2014
Posted Jan 13, 2014

Hi friend,

I have been a little quiet here on the blog as of late because I have been taking the time to get clear, create and really, really tune into what I want for 2014 and how I want to feel.

Hang with me for the next few paragraphs so that I can share my heart and some really great things for the new year.


As 2013 came to a close, I was tired, burnt out, not sure what I was doing. Creating wasn’t fun. I felt like I was constantly hustling some new idea, show, class, whatever it was to try and make some money, get noticed and get more comments or likes. I had subscribed to so many blogs that had the “perfect” concoction to get “everything” to make my business amazing… the problem is, is that I had everyone else’s voice in my head and my own voice, passion and vision for my business and life had gone silent.

I was scrambling to get the workshops and the Mended series shot and edited, however everything was going wrong, from camera issues, microphone problems, me being a tard and knocking over the camera. Oh yeah is was ugly. Frustrated and beside myself… I said to myself like I say to everyone…. everything happens for a reason.

So the day after Christmas I stopped…. everything… painting,editing, filming, reading other blogs, listening to other “experts”.  And started listening to myself, I went back to the beginning of why I started doing what I’m doing. Back to why I paint. Back to wanting to help and encourage.

The only thing that I have continued to read is The Desire Map. If you have not gotten your copy, It’s a life changer. Danielle LaPorte talks about creating a life based on what you want to feel. Not on a list of things or to do’s. As I walk through my emotions about what I do and how I’m living my life, and how I want to feel on a daily basis. I realized a lot of things needed to change.

I just hated the hustle of my painting career. The reason I started this site was to create a space of encouragement and trust. I do make my living from painting, but I want to be less concerned about the money, and more concerned with giving. That’s easier said than done because bills need to be paid, but I am so ready to release that to the Divine, God, the Universe whatever you want to call it. I’m letting go because I didn’t like how I was feeling everyday. I had to make a change especially when I discovered my core desired feelings…….. Giving, Abundance, Original, Joy and Creative.

As I approach the new year I’m trying to look at each day or week in respect to those core desired feelings and make decisions in life, love and business with that in mind.

With all that said….. here is what I will be happening around here.

I am postponing the mended series for now… it will happen just not sure when.

I will be offering video art workshops, most of them free! 

I will be doing a weekly video to love on you and to grow together.

I will be offering on Thursdays a piece of art that you can pay what you can for it.  There will be shipping costs but then you decided how much you can afford to pay for the piece. If its 2.00, 5.00 or 10.00 that’s what you will get it for. You will just need to email me with your pay pal account and I will invoice you for the amount that you want to pay.

Giving: I just want to be able to give as much as I possibly can right now.  Being able to give to you gives me great joy.

Abundant: Giving makes me feel abundant, a peaceful heart gives me abundant ideas for new art.

Original: I get to choose my path, how I want to feel. Changing things up makes me feel Original, independent and gives me freedom.

Joy: letting go of the hustle gives me great joy.

Creative: I have the ability to create anything, new art, new paths, new light, new love, new passion… I just need to listen to my heart, that voice, the desire that lies inside me.

This feels good, feels right, I feel blessed. I can’t believe all of the ideas for art that has come since I let go.

Peaceful start to finish tutorial- click here to access

Peaceful start to finish tutorial- click here to access

I finally got the tutorial done…. it was a challenge… but as soon as I just let it go.. and relaxed… it all came together.  It will get better, I will be changing the camera shots and a few other things. It’s not perfect but it’s a start.

Please let me know what you think.

Thanks for listening to me babble a bit and thank you for letting me share my heart.

You are loved!

Big Smile=Shawn



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Posted Jan 13, 2014
Headshot photo of artist

Hello there! I’m Shawn Petite

I’ve been teaching and creating for well over 25 years. About 15 years ago I found my art soul mate in mixed media, and it changed my life! I love the story that can be told by combining paint, texture, ink, paper and—really anything that you can imagine.

But what I’m truly passionate about is being your guide, walking with you step by step and helping you become your own hero in your creative journey.

Along my path, I’ve learned that the creating art also creates a healing space. Life can be messy and complicated and painful, but something about a paint brush can help heal your soul. I believe—no, I know—you are worthy of love, and I want to teach you to know that about yourself. Join me on this journey of art and inspiration!


  1. Carmen Whitehead

    I can so relate to what you’re feeling! Some days it feels like all I do is tweet, promote, upload and talk about my art and it leaves me too drained to create. It can be easy to lose focus and the reasons you know God called you to do what you’re doing. Thank you for this post and for reminding me of why I create. Blessings!

    • Shawn

      Hugs, love you and your work.

  2. Debbie

    This is a big pit we creative types fall into so often unfortunately … the biggest drain on the creative part of our lives. I am searching for that balance between growing my business and having time and energy to create.. not to mention issues with family life. In the past I have found that taking time to reflect, time for me (yeah it sounds selfish), and doing things I enjoy have really helped me. Reading what you wrote helped me feel better about what I need to do for myself and realize it is what makes me, me :>) Always love your work and find such passion behind it from the every first time I saw it. I brought one of your pieces called “brave” for a dear friend because it spoke to me and she was so touched by it :>) I am wanting one for myself still watching for the right one when you make it …. Take care my friend.. so glad our paths in life have crossed. My best always

    • Shawn

      Thank you for your kind words. You have such a kind soul. I too am greatful for our chance to meet and get to know each other. I know that we will see each other at shows. Thank you for sharing your heart. The creative business is tough because the very passion that gives you creativity can quickly be squashed by the business side of things. I have shifted alot of things at the New Year and I feel better and the creative mojo is flowing! Love your heart! thanks my friend, have a great day!


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