Every year at this time I start to feel overwhelmed….. tired….. grumpy….. You get the idea. And each year I say that it is going to be different next year…. and, well it isn’t. This year I was thinking that I was doing better, until a small meltdown happened last week. I had my little outburst of emotion and then I felt better. I then took a deep breath and tried to look at everything with new eyes. The reality is, this is my busy season and always will be. The other reality that most everything that I have dreamed about, prayed about or listed out on my goal list, I am living. Crazy! jaw dropping and completely humbling. How grateful I am for what I am living. It’s not perfect, it’s crazy at times and even overwhelming…. and as I look at it all through these unbelievably grateful eyes…. it’s all OK…. I take a breather… rest and then hit the ground running again! This is my life and I am so so thankful for this messy, beautiful, crazy, life.
This is also the inspiration for this piece. I hope you take a moment for yourself. Look through grateful eyes and truly appreciate your life for what it is.
You are loved!
ps…. if you want to get Donna Downey stencils… click the link below… Have a great weekend!