Flourish: To grow luxuriantly; to grow and thrive; to prosper.
I was needing a break from reality this week. It just was one of those weeks where everything seemed hard. Business stuff, family stuff it just was unsettling in my soul and I could feel the anxiety rolling around in my belly.
I painted this because this is where I needed to go to calm, sooth and heal the uncontrollable bits of life. The word flourish came, just as so many other words have come for art…. by the divine.
I was searching in my box of scrap papers for the background and randomly on one of the papers was the word flourish. It was like suave for my soul. It made me breath deep and say… just flourish Shawn … what else can you do. Then I looked up the definition and I was even more pleased with my word that was given to me.
Flourish: To grow luxuriantly; to grow and thrive; to prosper.
Oh how I want to grow luxuriantly!
Even in the midst of what life throws at us.. we can choose to flourish, to grow and prosper.
Enjoy the video
Supplies Used:
Top background paper from collage pak: sunday inspiration 5-14-17
middle paper cracked, from collage pak: 1-29-17
bottom text paper from collage pak 4-9-17
Fluid, craft and medium body paints: Deco Art media fluids, Americana craft and Studio 71 medium body
Matte medium to put everything down
glazing medium for the umber wash
palette knife for paint skimming
charcoal pencil and black soft pastel stick
Stencils Used:
Wildflower3, Flower gang 5, geometric flower, damask duo, Tiles, Window 1
Be inspired, create and know that you are loved!
I love, love, your art.
Thank you so much!
lovely Shawn. Watching your videos inspires me. I can empathise with your tribulations this week as we have also had our share. No internet, being poorly, all this affecting my mojo too. Thanks so much for sharing.
Thank you Moira… her’s to a new and better, week!
Awwwh Shawn, I just finished watching your video and I must say I feel like I was just taken to church! It was so inspiring, I watched the whole video (which I must confess that is something I never do.) It was awesome! You are a true artist in every sense of the word and exactly what I needed to see this week myself! Thank you so much for sharing your time, troubles and talents! It has helped me to not feel so alone in this world today and to reconnect me with my artistic side. I Look forward to learning and sharing more with you, Diana
Thank you so much…! It’s my goal each time I create to inspire in some way and I love it when a video reaches someone at just the right time. You are loved!