Mixed media journal page “Finding your courage”
Do you ever feel stuck with fear?
I was feeling that this week and needed to write it out and then create it out.
I love it when everything that’s rolling around in my head starts to make sense when I put it in my journal.
I mixed acrylic inks, acrylic high flow, regular acrylic, and gesso. I love how they all work so well together to produce a grungy look.
And that door! Oh yes! It’s so gorgeous and it’s part of a new collage pak in the shop.
The inspiration for this page came as I made some decisions this week to do “the thing” that I’ve been afraid to do.
I’ve been putting “this thing” off because of doubt and fear. But- I’m ready to do it afraid and walk through the door with one small step.
I share more about it and how each part of this journal page represents my journey to walking through fear.
Handmade journal, Liquitex matte medium, Utrecht gesso, Golden fluid acrylic (quin magenta, nickel azo gold, deep violet, pthalo blue) Lukas acrylic raw umber, Amsterdam acrylic carbon black, Liquitex basic in neutral gray, Blick matte midnight blue, Liquitex acrylic in muted violet and titanium white, palette knife, General charcoal pencil
Stencils: Mediterranean Duo 2, Paris Flourish 2 – THESE WILL BE ON SALE THIS WEEK
Collage paks used: Old doors (Printed), (Downloadable) Vintage wallpaper 3 (Printed) (Downloadable) – THESE WILL BE ON SALE THIS WEEK
This post contains affiliate links from Amazon and Blick at no cost to you.
Shawn, your inspiration spoke to me today. I have a 15 week course that I have been thinking of taking for two years. I always have a reason to put it off but I recently acknowledged that the biggest reason was self-doubt. To deal with that doubt and the fear, I have committed myself to working through the syllabus on my own. Pre-learning. Then, if I decide in August or January to move forward, I will have spent many weeks preparing to succeed. It won’t be easy. Maybe I won’t “pass” but I know that I will have grown.
I’m so glad that you are taking small steps and doing it afraid. Our self doubt can talk us out of so many things! I’m so proud of you for taking the first steps!! I know you’ll do a great job! And the lessons we learn on the journey are priceless! Thanks so much for being here. Hugs!
“Do it afraid.” Wow this Sunday Inspiration might be my favorite. I’m on Day 12 recovery from total knee replacement surgery.. I’m was just cleared to go down my basement steps to my Art, and boy! This Inspiration will be a great one to work on!
Thanks much Shawn for sharing, your Art & yourself.
Thank you so much and I’m so happy that it inspired you. So glad you are healing and able to create! Have fun creating!!