Today’s piece was about choices… I had another piece planned, but the day’s events led me to this.
This is something that I’ve wanted to do, I wanted to do a little experimenting and practice. Try some new soft pastels and work on my palette knife work.
So I chose to do this, because I had a moment in the day that turned the lights on in me… refocused me, and gave me a new attitude.
My day prior to creating, well let’s just say it didn’t go as planned (I share about it in the video). But as soon as I logged in with my coach and she gave me this quote. I knew… it was time to refocus and make a choice…. a choice about a lot of things.
“Attitude is more important than facts, It is more important than the past, than education, money circumstances, than failures and success, than what other people think, say or do. It is more important than appearance, ability, or skill. It will make or break a business, a home, a friendship, an organization. The remarkable thing is I have a choice every day of what my attitude will be. I cannot change my past. I cannot change the actions of others. I cannot change the inevitable. The ONLY thing I can change is attitude.
Life is ten percent what happens to me and ninety percent how I react to it.” — Chuck Swindoll
I had such an amazing shift in perspective, and I can’t wait to share this project and some thoughts with you today. I hope you enjoy it!
This original is available HERE

Supplies used:
- 11×14 mdf board
- Liquitex matte gel and fluid matte medium
- Utrecht gesso
- Lukas cryl acrylic (permanent orange, olive green, raw umber)
- Acrylic paint in black and gray
- Golden acrylic burnt sienna
- Blick matte acrylic (dark green medium, sapphire)
- Liquitex acrylic ink (titanium white, prussian blue, muted green)
- Variety of soft pastels (Soho brand, mungyo brand, Gallery brand and Arteza soft pastels)
- Generals charcoal pencil and small palette knife


Collage paks used:
Vintage Tree Book (printed version and instant download), Wildflower Sketches 2 (printed version and instant download)
This post contains affiliate links from Amazon and Blick at no cost to you.

The doors are open!!
If you’ve been thinking about becoming a member of the Mixed Media Insider Membership, now is your chance.
The doors will be open for one week and then will close again until March of 2022.
Don’t wait! I will only be taking 100 new members to help with student flow and integration. So after the first 100 are registered I will close the doors.
I wanted to let you guys know first so you could get a chance to get in if you were thinking about it. Head on over HERE to sign up and get the details!!

The early bird price is still available for the gratitude junk journal sessions: Use coupon code: JOY2021

Thanks Shawn – that was a very helpful today. It is Thanksgiving weekend in Canada – a time to focus on gratitude which is really about attitude – your willingness to be real about life and still show up is appreciated. Thanks for choosing joy and gratitude and REST! Cheers!
Thanks for being so real. I really appreciate it. For the past couple of months I’ve been going through one of those seasons where it’s just been one thing after another (plumbing issues, flooding issues, computer died, etc., etc., etc.). I was telling a friend and she mentioned that there’s a retrograde of some sort happening. Ah! I don’t understand or follow that, but I do believe that when the Universe is shifting and changing things happen. When the laptop died, I hit a wall and started to slide down emotionally. What came to mind for me? “Attitude”!!!!!!!!!! I set to work on a change of perspective and by the next morning I saw everything differently. Turning to doing something creative was part of the shift because when I’m creating it brings me into the moment and when I’m in the moment all is right with the world and me. All that to say — you are not alone!!! And neither am I!!!!! Thanks for sharing. I moved out to Arizona from the N.E. and I used to see fall scenes like this all the time. They were — and are — among my favorite. I miss the New England fall season so much. Thanks for the trip back home and for all the meaningful memories and feelings this stirs for me. Rest easy, Shawn! And thank you for the video.
I think it’s been hard for so many because there’s so much happening in the world. not to mention everyday things. I live in Arizona most of my life and moved to Ohio 5 years ago and I have to say after I got used to the weather I love the seasons!! So glad you are here sharing the creative journey. Hugs!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you Shawn! It’s what I used to say to my clients before I retired as a healer and therapist, and now I need to be reminded myself. Hmmm…. It was just what I needed to hear today. Thank you for being a light in this world. I’m sure you know how important that is but I thought to remind you that when we shine we give others permission to shine too. That is exactly what you are doing and I’m grateful you are such an inspiration, here and in the Insiders. As you say: always remember that you are loved! See you in the Insiders Membership.
Sweet Hannie! thank you so glad you’re part of my creative journey!! love having you in the membership!!
Always a great message. I hope you get lots of sign ups for our insider membership. How dare anyone be grumpy to you. I would not advise using that leave in conditioner anymore. Although your hair did not look bad, I would not have known.
We’re having a great response to the membership!! and no more leave in conditioner!!