Today I take you on a little behind-the-scenes journey of what I do when I don’t feel inspired. I always film my Sunday inspiration videos on a specific day and on this particular day, I had no idea what to do.
It had been a very busy week or couple of weeks and I wasn’t feeling inspired, I didn’t have a quote, a color, a feeling…. nothin.
So what do I do when that happens? I show up. So today I walk you through that process of just starting and taking the next step. One layer at a time for what feels good at the time.
I got stuck, I changed directions, but I kept going. My journal page isn’t the best I’ve done, but it’s also a masterpiece because I did something. Creativity is a courageous act and it takes showing up to grow. Every time I step to my table, whether I’m completely inspired or not, I learn something new. I learn something about myself, the material, or the techniques.
Showing up is half the battle. Even if I had just put a few brush strokes down, that in and of itself is an accomplishment.
So I wanted to show you that it’s not always easy, that I fumble around, get lost, and yet I’m so grateful to just get my hands on some paint and play.
And hopefully encourage you to show up… step up to your table and make a mess! Have fun watching…. and remember you are loved!

Supplies used:
- Handmade journal
- Liquitex fluid matte medium and matte gel
- Collage papers from the stash
- Utrecht gesso
- Liquitex acrylic ink – muted violet, muted gray, rose gold
- Matisse fluid acrylic southern ocean blue
- Soho acrylic green gold or olive green
- Golden acrylic raw umber
- White Posca pen
- Generals charcoal pencils – ex. soft
- Soft pastels – deep blue – teal – white
- Metal bristle brush from the dollar store
- letter stamps and tissue paper
- Alcohol

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