As I was working through trying to find inspiration over the last month, one of the things that I do is pull all my books out and go through them.
I got the idea that I would, throughout the year, use those books to create a journal page from! Twice a month-ish…
I also got a new book (you know I needed it to lift my spirits.. wink)! It’s The Art of Anthropologie and OMGoodness is it a delight for the eyes!
So today’s journal page is brought to you from the very first page in that book.
I’ll share with you today the plans I have for this series through the year and the most fabulous books I’ll be using!!
I’m so excited and curious… which is my word for the year.
I hope you enjoy the project, now let go and play! YOU are loved!

Supplies used:
- My handmade journal
- Nova color texture paste
- Utrecht gesso
- Liquitex matte gel and matte medium
- Nova color black gesso
- Nova color paynes gray
- Golden so flat raw umber
- Soho cad orange deep acrylic
- Golden high flow shading gray
- Liquitex acrylic gouache (prussian blue, turquoise, cad yellow medium quin magenta, raw sienna)
- Soft pastel pencils, charcoal pencil
- palette knife , small brushes
- copy paper and tissue paper, deli paper