I love it when I’m able to create with a message. I can take what I need to hear most and use it to fuel my creative time. It also helps cement the message in my heart.
As I mulled over the things that were rolling around in my head, using the yummy layers to process through my thoughts. I allow those thoughts to inspire my process, colors, and my time with this canvas.
The message that I needed to hear was “Take a deep breath and let go of the fear”. I’ll share more about this in the video. And maybe you need this message too.
But I hope this project inspires you to take what you are working through or need and use that to create with.
Enjoy the project and always know that you are loved.

Supplies used:
- 12×12 gallery depth canvas
- Liquitex gesso black and white
- Utrecht gesso
- Liquitex matte medium and Liquitex matte gel
- Acrylic paint – olive green, burnt sienna, raw sienna, dark teal
- Deco Art Americana craft paint – yellow ochre, light mocha
- Liquitex acrylic gouache – raw umber
- Golden Soflat acrylic – raw umber
- Generals charcoal pencil (ex. soft)
- White soft pastel pencil
- black and white soft pastel stick

Stencils used: These will be on sale this week