by Shawn | November 10, 2024 | abstract, collage paper, floral, mixed Media, original art, stencils, sunday inspiration
Today I’m continuing to create with this amazing color palette that I used last week. This is how experimenting works. How trying new things can take you on a journey. I loved last weeks project but it felt too safe and I know that I wanted to make it more...
by Shawn | September 8, 2024 | abstract, collage paper, mixed Media, original art, stencils, sunday inspiration, Uncategorized
Today I had fun auditioning collage paper for this project. I love having the freedom to move things around… there’s no risk when using collage paper to start a project. You can watch the youtube video OR…I’ll show you how I made the collage...
by Shawn | August 25, 2024 | abstract, collage paper, floral, mixed Media, original art, stencils, sunday inspiration, Uncategorized
Today’s project was pure fun! It’s a redo of an old painting with reductive painting. I added some fun collage paper to the base and then made this fun piece. I was inspired by a writing by Morgan Harper Nichols that I get on her app. The title is ”...
by Shawn | August 18, 2024 | art journal, collage paper, mixed Media, stencils, sunday inspiration
Today is #5 of our collage paper challenge. This color palette along with the shape “squares” was so fun! I did my usually color wash on my old collage papers to match the palette and then added some pizzaz! I just layered and layered squares. Plus I love...
by Shawn | June 16, 2024 | art journal, collage paper, mixed Media, stencils, sunday inspiration
We are continuing our collage paper challenge today. We are on #3. I have to admit that this color palette was a bit of a challenge. The colors were just a bit different. But I made it happen with just a few tweeks with my paints. I also didn’t have a lot of...