by Shawn | March 22, 2020 | mixed Media, sunday inspiration, Uncategorized
I tried gouache for the first time in today’s Sunday inspiration. I figured if I failed miserably at it I could share my thoughts and how to do it better… but I loved it! I love the look and feel of it and its versatility. There are a few tricks that...
by Shawn | December 22, 2019 | abstract, stencils, sunday inspiration
In today’s Sunday inspriration I use some drywall tape for texture and I show you how I dirty up my paint color to make it soft and subtle. I also created a collage sheet just for this piece’s background and it’s free to you in the Subscriber...
by Shawn | May 2, 2019 | crash the stash
You won’t believe the layers on this! the texture is unbelievable. I used masking tape, drywall tape and so much more! enjoy the video Supplies used: handmade journal, gesso, variety of papers from the stash, masking tape, drywall tape, Golden high flow acrylic,...