A video for healing… you can help

I posted about a week ago that there was a shooting at Marysville Highs school. My son lives is Marysville, WA and the family that he lives with and one of my soul sistas daughter was in the cafeteria at the time of the shooting. This small community and surrounding...

What if… you started today

 What if… Today was the day… you started.  You started loving yourself. click on the pic below to watch the video What if you started being bold… telling the truth…. living the dream that lies inside of you….. What if….?? Some days...

When doubt rises… what we can do, together

Beautiful Soul 8×10 free download (keep reading) When Doubt Rises Every time I’m getting ready for a show it’s always a crazy time.  The preparation and the long hours of getting inventory ready. Packing a truck full of displays and then setting everything up....

Who do you think you are?

Who do you think you are? Today I had to throw away some old tapes, that play in my head from time to time. I’m a firm believer that we can’t blame our current state of our lives on the past.  We always have a choice to get help or counseling. We each have...