Healing in the broken places, a journey of support and love.
Perhaps strength doesn’t reside in having never been broken..
But in the courage required to grow, in the broken places.
It is the broken places, that have taught me about myself.
Taught me how strong and weak I am, how vulnerable and closed I have been.
I bend with all that comes at me, but then there are times that I break…. shatter… and I’m left scrambling to pick up the pieces.
I’m left breathless with only my thoughts and hurt.
Can I break open, so that I can learn and not be angry?
I can…. and I have…. and I learn. I catch my breath. I share my struggle. I reach out and attempt to love the other broken souls around me.
I will walk with you, we will walk together, broken, mending and mended.
Sharing, loving, healing, laughing.
Luv you in your broken places = Shawn
I love the thought of being ok with our brokenness…and how it binds us… I like this “mended” piece but feel mine is still “mending” 🙂
Luv you! I have an email coming your way!