This is a piece I created about 6 months ago for Deco Art Media, I haven’t shared it here or on my You Tube channel… so I thought it would be great to share while I’m on my staycation.
On resting….. so much is stirring in my soul, I have finally found a good pace for resting, soulful exploration and creating…. I am inspired and encourage and have much to share with you as I put all of my thoughts together.
Next week we’re back in full swing with , quick tip tuesday, creative team posts, crash the stash and Sunday inpiration…. so much fun ! Also Open your wings mixed media workshops early bird registration is now open! See all the details below.
Enjoy the video
Deco Art Media: Matte Medium, Gesso, Modeling Paste, Ultra Matte Varnish, Fluid Acrylics (Phthalo Blue, Green Gold, Cobalt Turquoise Hue, Quinacridone Red, Titanium White) Antiquing Cream (Titanium White, Raw Umber, Carbon Black)
Americana Acrylics (Avocado, Coral Blush, Blue Mist)
Andy Skinner Stencil; French Elements, Americana 18×18 stencil (Wildflowers)
12×24 Canvas, Rags, Assorted brushes, palette knife, vintage wallpaper, book pages, vintage papers, scraps, tissue paper
Early Bird registration is now happening. Last session sold out fast so if your thinking about it, don’t wait to long. I keep the class size small so that I can answer all your questions and create a video addressing any spots that you get stuck in. Last session was so much fun and the work that everyone did was amazing. Use this coupon code: oywfall2017 and get $30.00 off. Get all the details, class schedule, curriculum and sign up HERE:
I hope to see you in class!
This last week Paula Haynes shared the first Creative team post. You can see it HERE
I created this live in the Creative Souls cafe facebook page live this last week and you can see the replay HERE
Have a great Sunday
Be Inspired, Create and know that you are loved!