This little bee sends a good message… Bee Nice! A fun little mixed media project with hand-painted papers, vintage postcards and lots of color and crackle paste!

Products Used:
Shawn Petite Stencil: Scribble Writing and Pattern 6
Vintage music sheets from my stash, Scrapbook paper from my stash, Liquitex Matte Medium, Charcoal pencil, Generals charcoal stick, Stabilo pencil, Acrylic Paints: Mars Black, Titanium White, Aquamarine, Saffire Blue, Pink, Deco Art Crackle Paint, Alcohol in a spray bottle, Gelli Plate/Gelli Plate painted papers

Website: https://www.thefunkyfarmhouserocks.com/about
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/funkyfarmhouse/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/funkyjessnjoe/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/thefunkyfarmhouse/
Be inspired, create and know that you are loved!
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I love mixed media and this bee canvas and the other3 I can see are great