I was definitely in the wild unknown when I started putting this together, but I didn’t care.
I got a rush of ideas and practically ran to my table… I forgot to put my apron on and got paint all over my clothes (pretty normal for me), but it didn’t matter because I was so inspired and excited to try to put all my ideas together.
I just started asking myself what if I did this and why not try that and I wasn’t going to let paint on my clothes or the fact that it was late at night stop me from going for it.
It felt like the wild unknown….. would it work? I didn’t know but I knew I had to try.
And I got to thinking about how I want to live my life this way. I want to ask what if and why not more and more and let the curiosity of things get me excited.
I want to be willing to try new things and not talk myself out of them, whether it’s in my art, my relationships, my health or any area of life. I want to take a walk in the wild unknown!
Will you join me? I hope you enjoy the project and always know that you are loved!

Supplies used:
- 11×14 wood panel
- Liquitex matte gel
- Liquitex white and black gesso
- Palette knife, dough scraper, craft sponge
- Liquitex acrylic gouache (raw sienna, cad yellow, deep violet
- Golden fluid acrylic (van dyke brown, permanent violet, titan buff)
- Golden high flow (green gold, sap green)
- Nova color paynes gray
- Golden heavy body prussian blue
- Soft pastel pencils, Generals charcoal pencil, black soft pastel stick
- Black pit pen
- Copy paper to stain with paint and cut leaves and flowers

- Messy Flower Silhouette 2 (I didn’t actually end up using this one)
- Just Flowers
new workshop available at early bird pricing