Today I’m creating my spring concertina. This will be a 4 part series coming this week. All the parts including the cover along with the free collage downloads, will be available in the free subscriber.
I’m using Mary Oliver’s poem Late spring as my inspiration:
“Finally the world is beginning to change, its fevers mounting, its leaves unfolding.
And the mockingbirds find ample reason and breath to fashion new songs. They do. You can count on it.
As for lovers, they are discovering new ways to love. Listen, their windows are open. You can hear them laughing.
Without spring who knows what would happen. A lot of nothing I suppose.
The leaves are all in motion now the way a young boy rows and rows in his wooden boat, just to get anywhere. Late but now lovely and lovelier. And the two of us, together a part of it.”
I’m also sharing some new stencils in the shop that I use for this wonderful journey.
I hope the concertina inspires you to create you own and brings hope… just like spring.
I’ll share the details and more in the video.
Always know that you are loved!

Supplies used for all parts:
- I use 11×17 hammermill copy paper gessoed on both sides. You can use any mixed media paper if you like
- Tape to tape the pages together
- Liquitex gesso – white and black
- Liquitex fluid matte medium and matte gel
- Acrylic paint in your favorite spring colors (I use: burnt sienna, olive green, quin magenta, teal, green gold, cerulean blue, prussian blue, unbleach titanium, titan buff, napthol red, cad yellow, cad orange, sap green
- Golden High flow Titanium white
- Dalery Rowney acrylic ink Cyan
- Soft pastel pencil and Soft pastel sticks
- Generals charcoal pencil, Stabilo all pencil
- Posca pens in medium and broad tip
- Palette knives, cut down credit card, 1″ flat brush, 1/2 ” filbert, 1/4″ angle brush, small round
- Hole punch, hole reinforcements, ribbon
- Collage paper any and all
- Tissue paper to stencil on

Stencils used for all part:
These are free downloads available in the subscriber library
Below is part 2 – available in the subscriber library or on Monday 3-18-24 on YT

Below is part 3 available in the subscriber library or on Tuesday 3-19-24 on YT

Part 4 -Below the cover available in the subscriber library.