by Shawn | September 8, 2024 | abstract, collage paper, mixed Media, original art, stencils, sunday inspiration, Uncategorized
Today I had fun auditioning collage paper for this project. I love having the freedom to move things around… there’s no risk when using collage paper to start a project. You can watch the youtube video OR…I’ll show you how I made the collage...
by Shawn | October 9, 2022 | stencils, sunday inspiration, Uncategorized
Feeling the all the fall feels today in this project. I just spent some relaxing time with all the details and shading on this one. This actually was a very simple project because I used my stencils as my guide. I was inspired by my journal writing this week. When I...
by Shawn | July 28, 2021 | art journal, Creative Team, mixed Media, stencils
Hello everyone, I am here with my last video for Shawn Petite’s Creative Team 2020/2021. It has been a great highlight in my crafty life to be part of the team this year. When I got the good news that I was chosen, I was super ecstatic and felt privileged and the way...
by Shawn | June 30, 2021 | Creative Team, mixed Media, stencils
Hello art friends! Today I’m sharing some index card art inspiration. Each year June 1 – July 31 is dedicated to creating 1 index card a day. These little cards are known as ICAD’s. You may have seen them over on Instagram. If not, search for...
by Shawn | April 14, 2021 | Creative Team, mixed Media, stencils
Prompt cards are such an easy way to play in your art journal without pressure. Every time I use prompt cards I come up with a page that I would have never thought of. Let’s make a quick and easy set together. All you need is paper, paint, beautiful stencils...