by Shawn | February 2, 2025 | abstract, canvas, collage paper, mixed Media, original art, stencils, sunday inspiration
I love it when things come together for a project with serendipity. I read Morgan Harper Nichols’s poem this week during my quiet time and journaled about it. I kept thinking about it and what it meant to me. Then as I was thinking about what I would create for...
by Shawn | January 26, 2025 | collage paper, mixed Media, original art, stencils, sunday inspiration, Uncategorized
Today I’m redoing an old painting which was a great base for this portrait. Today I needed to just create with my own journey in mind. And for me I know that I can say more with my art than I can with the words that come out of my mouth. I love it when I get...
by Shawn | January 12, 2025 | abstract, canvas, collage paper, mixed Media, original art, stencils, sunday inspiration, Uncategorized
Today, I created with complete freedom and a childlike curiosity about texture. My word for the year is release and this plays a part in today’s creative time. As I create this year I want to ask myself …how can I release any expectation of what something...
by Shawn | January 5, 2025 | art journal, collage paper, floral, mixed Media, stencils, sunday inspiration, Uncategorized
Today I’m sharing my word for the year and creating this peaceful journal page. I started this journal differently than I have in the past… I’ll share that in the video. I also share in the video, how life has thrown me a curve ball and I can still...
by Shawn | December 22, 2024 | art journal, collage paper, mixed Media, stencils
Today I create my 2024 journal cover with you. I layered collage paper that will represent my journey through 2024. I have a unique way of doing my cover and I hope you enjoy the process. Wishing you Happy Holidays and may it be filled with hope and joy. And always...