Brave wings she flies Crash the Stash

With Brave Wings She Flies…… What do you need to be brave about this week?  What action do you need to take, or what break do you need give yourself. I’m rooting for you, lifting you up in my thoughts. You are strong enough to take care of your...

Protect your inner wishes

This was a great pull from the stash and the quote “protect your inner wishes” just came. I love that! I love the feeling that comes when the message for a piece comes in the process of creating it. It is that sacred space that happens in our journals. It...

Playing with this angel…

It’s play day… I am playing with this piece. She is not finished, and I’m trying to decide what her words are… where they should be….. stamped, hand written…?? so many options. If you have ideas send them to me and If I choose your...