by Shawn | December 25, 2022 | abstract, stencils, sunday inspiration
Happy Sunday and if you celebrate Christmas… Merry Christmas! I was in my favorite creative zone with this piece. The layers, the paper, the texture, Yum! Today was also about taking care of ourselves (of myself). With the busyness of the season it’s easy...
by Shawn | February 13, 2022 | abstract, collage pak, sunday inspiration, Uncategorized
This piece didn’t go as I had planned, I wanted it to be grungier, but I just followed where it was going and I’m glad I did. Once I got the initial gesso layer on to push back the papers, it looked like a misty morning in the garden. And I loved it. I...
by Shawn | December 5, 2021 | art journal, sunday inspiration, Uncategorized
Oh, the grungy goodness with some super simple supplies and scraping paint back with my palette knife. I really let loose and just went for it. This came together quickly and I was creating at such a fast pace… but I couldn’t help it… it just all...
by Shawn | June 10, 2020 | Creative Team, mixed Media, stencils
Hello friends, what a fun piece this was to create. I have not been feeling well for some time so time in the studio has been meager & inspiration, sparse. I was looking to create something simpler than my usual. Sometimes, inspiration is not at the ready and...
by Shawn | October 2, 2019 | canvas, Creative Team, mixed Media, stencils
I’ve always loved viewing pictures of old vintage windows with big beautiful flower boxes. The ones you see on old buildings or homes in small villages and towns. Painting one is something I’ve always planned to do, but never have. So when I was asked to be on Shawn...